Women in Their 20s

Let me start by stating that I love dating women in their 30s! They're hot, they've got their shit together, good chance they'll be pretty good in bed, and they don't jerk you around when you try to schedule a date. Women in their 20s? Well, they're hot anyway.

I was talking with one woman for over a year off and on. She lived too far away and so we didn't meet for the longest time. Let's call her Lisa. Lisa had been living in Santa Barbara and going to school in LA. While LA wasn't too far, she wasn't available until 9pm. Since I'm not a student and have a "grownup job," that wasn't gonna work. Plus she was already seeing 3 other guys! Sounds like fun to me! But that also sounds like more risk than I'd like to take on.

Then one day I got a message on OKC. We hadn't talked for at least 9 months. Lisa had moved to Fullerton and was working as a marketing manager! That's way closer and sounds a lot like a real job! We started chatting and eventually scheduled a date - happy hour at a bar half way between her work and mine.

Young women are fuckin' flaky! The night before the date, Lisa texted me saying that maybe she should cancel. She complained that she had a bunch of acne from stress and didn't look good. I can understand that. I convinced her that we would have fun and that I would cheer her up. Probably both true.

By the next morning, I still hadn't heard from her so I didn't dress for a date. You know, there's that pair of jeans, shirt, shoes combo you can wear to the office AND out to a date? No? Ok, a subject for another blog post then. Well, turns out I had convinced her and we were back on! Great, I thought! I was really excited to finally meet the elusive Lisa!

At about 3pm she texted me asking when and where the date was. Seriously? We just made plans a week ago! Finish wiping that sticky green shit off your fingers. Scratch your chin thoughtfully. Try to remember! Not working? Fine. I remind her of of the place and the time, 6pm. Well now she can't make it at 6pm either. Shit! 6 was already a compromise! Ok, 6:15. I'm gonna be early and sit around like a chump. Whatever...

I'm not waiting for a lady. I'm just waiting on a friend. - Rolling Stones

So I'm driving to the date, roaming through some industrial area that Waze stuck me with. Rocking the classic rock and rocking the hands free headset in my 22 year old BMW. Hey, it's low miles and I love old cars. I know, I'm hopeless. And I get a message saying she needs to postpone till 6:45.

I was already going to be sitting for 45 minutes. Now I'm going to be sitting for an hour and a half. Nope, time to cancel. "Hi, Galaxy" ...wait... "reply" ...wait... "Let's do this another time." I fumble with my phone nav for a bit while inching along in shitty traffic, surrounded by warehouses with no place to pull off. Finally I select "home" on Waze and head toward the freeway.

And then the texts start coming in so fast that my hands free program can't keep up. Fuck, lady! Are you kidding me? I've gone another mile and a half before finally verbally digging through all her damn three-word texts. Turns out she can meet at 6:15 again! Fuck you! Nope.

Lisa is 28. This is the bullshit you deal with dating young women. Guys in your 20s, they're all yours. Enjoy the BS! Enjoy the mediocre skills in the bedroom. Not that you would know the difference.

Ok, young guys, they're MOSTLY yours. I still get tempted now and again.
